Springbrook Hollow Farm Distillery, Llc is a company based at 133 Clements Road, Queensbury. It was registered as a domestic limited liability company in Washington county, under company number 4342729 on 01/08/13, 12 years ago.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
As far as we know, the PTO register shows that 4 trademarks submitted on behalf of Springbrook Hollow Farm Distillery, LLC can be found. Springbrook Hollow Farm Distillery, LLC trademarks include: live/pending (published for opposition) trademark filed on 2017-02-26.
Another trademark is live/pending (non-final action - mailed) and is identified as "SLY FOX". It was filed on 2017-02-05 with a serial number 87324843. The third trademark filed by Springbrook Hollow Farm Distillery, LLC on 2017-02-05 includes the identification "TWO SISTERS". It is live/pending (non-final action - mailed) trademark (serial number 87324848). According to the last trademark submission with a serial number 87349989, Springbrook Hollow Farm Distillery, LLC can be contacted at: Queensbury, NY, zip code - 12804, address - 133 Clements Road.
Filing date | Status | Company name | Address | Mark identification | |
02/26/2017 | Live/Pending | Springbrook Hollow Farm Distillery, LLC | 133 Clements Road Queensbury, 12804 |
02/05/2017 | Live/Pending | Springbrook Hollow Farm Distillery, LLC | 133 Clements Road Queensbury, 12804 |
02/05/2017 | Live/Pending | Springbrook Hollow Farm Distillery, LLC | 133 Clements Road Queensbury, 12804 |
02/05/2017 | Live/Pending | Springbrook Hollow Farm Distillery, LLC | 133 Clements Road Queensbury, 12804 |
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