Technology Professionals Group Inc. is a firm based at 15 Yardley Court, Loudonville. It was registered as a domestic business corporation in Albany county, under id number 2774371 on 06/04/02, 22 years ago.
This company is, at the moment, being managed by a director - Kishor Bagul from Troy.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Technology Professionals Group Inc. is a MBE certified firm. The certification should be renewed before 09/30/18. Created on 06/04/02, this company can be found at 15 Yardley Court,12211 Loudonville. The company can be reached by telephone at (518)336-5511 and by email at They also own a website -
Technology Professionals Group Inc. completed multiple contracts, among them:
a job for Client valued at $43 875,00 that amounted to “IT Strategy Advisory Services - This includes review of current IT landscape, the organization and its allignment with business needs. Helping create IT strategies.”;
a job for Infopeople Inc. valued at $354 889,60 that amounted to “Systems design, build and management for large mission critical applications for NYS agencies. The platform includes AIX, Linux, Storage, Network and backup infrastructure.”;
a job for Infopeople Inc. valued at $310 793,60 that amounted to “Systems design, build and management for large mission critical applications for NYS agencies. The platform includes AIX, Linux, Storage, Network and backup infrastructure.”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
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