The Law Offices Of Chandra M. Ortiz, P.c. is a company based at 3228 Milburn Ave, Baldwin Harbor. It was established as a domestic professional corporation in Nassau county, under company number 2458637 on 01/07/2000, 25 years ago.
This company is, currently, led by a CEO - Chandra M Ortiz from Baldwin Harbor.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
The Law Offices Of Chandra M. Ortiz, Pc is a MBE,WBE certified company. The certification should be renewed before 04/30/2019. Established on 01/07/2000, they can be found at 3228 Milburn Avenue,11510 Baldwin. The company can be reached by telephone at (516)623-6161, by fax at 5166235151 or by email at
The Law Offices Of Chandra M. Ortiz, Pc completed multiple contracts, namely:
a job for Client that consisted of “legal representation”;
a job for Client that consisted of “legal representation”;
a job for Client that consisted of “legal representation”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
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Bleachers Card Corp.
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