The New Pharmacy, Inc. is a firm based at 530 E 170Th St, Bronx. It was established as a domestic business corporation in Bronx county, under DOS id number 1051034 on January 16, 1986, 39 years ago.
That firm is, at the moment, being led by a manager - Shailesh Patel from Bronx.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
We gathered data about 3 DCA inspections. A Department of Consumer Affairs inspection (industry: drug store retail) was carried out on September 9, 2019 - the outcome was "no violation issued". Then there was an inspection on December 8, 2017 (industry: drug store retail) that ended with "a violation issued" result. Finally, there was an inspection on March 18, 2016 (industry: drug store retail) that ended with "a no violation issued" result.
Date | Address | Business name | Industry | Result |
09/09/2019 | Bronx 530 E 170th St Bronx NY 10456 |
The New Pharmacy, Inc. | Drug Store Retail - 810 | No Violation Issued |
03/18/2016 | Bronx 530 E 170th St Bronx NY 10456 |
The New Pharmacy, Inc. | Drug Store Retail - 810 | No Violation Issued |
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