Tightseal Construction Inc. is a business based at 557 Grand Concourse, 3, Bronx. It was set up as a domestic business corporation in Bronx county, under id number 2568436 on 10/30/2000, 24 years ago.
The company is, currently, led by a chief executive officer - Michael Dickerson from New York.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Tightseal Construction Inc. is a MBE certified business. The certification should be renewed before 04/29/2021. Created on 10/30/2000, this company can be found at 2800 Bruckner Blvd., Suite 201,10465 Bronx. The company can be contacted by phone at (718)503-0775, by fax at 7185030775 and using email at tightseal360@gmail.com. They also have a website - http://tightsealconstruction.com.
Tightseal Construction Inc. fulfilled multiple contracts, to name a few:
a contract for Client valued at $1 850 000,00 that included “WATER PROOFING, DEMOLITION, SEALANT”;
a contract for Client valued at $458 000,00 that included “FIRE STOP AND WATERPROOFING”;
a contract for Client valued at $750 000,00 that included “ROOF REPLACEMENT”.
Job experience
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Job experience
Job experience
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