Transit Construction Corp. is a company registered at 618 Saw Mill River Road, Ste 1, Yonkers. It was established as a domestic business corporation in Westchester county, under company number 2916382 on June 6, 2003, 21 years ago.
The company is, at the moment, led by a director - William Mascetta from Yonkers.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Moving on to the city contracts awarded to the company, we should name:
"kensico road closure traffic improvement measures".
The contract was categorized as "construction related services" and awarded using the competitive sealed bids method by the Environmental Protection agency.
It started on December 5, 2018, valued at $4,948,000.00.
Then there is "maintenance of stormwater management retrofits and erosion repairs", selected using the competitive sealed bids and started on July 1, 2015. It amounted to $2,722,429.95.
"Maintenance of stormwater facilities in boyds corners, cross river, croton falls,", the final on this list was valued at $2,600,242.00. It was selected using the competitive sealed bids and began on February 5, 2019.
As the city database informs us, Transit Construction Corp. won 4 contracts from this particular city agency.
Transit Construction Corp.. was also contracted by the Police. They completed 3 contracts, namely:
"pier 76 bulkhead reconstruction -manhattan" (worth: $605,000.00), "pier 76 bulkhead reconstruction -manhattan" (worth: $605,000.00) or
"pier 76 bulkhead reconstruction -manhattan" (worth: $605,000.00).
Title | Amount | Date |
Agency: Environmental Protection | ||
Kensico Road Closure Traffic Improvement Measures | $4,948,000.00 | 12/05/2018 |
Maintenance Of Stormwater Management Retrofits And Erosion Repairs | $2,722,429.95 | 07/01/2015 |
Maintenance Of Stormwater Facilities In Boyds Corners, Cross River, Croton Falls, | $2,600,242.00 | 02/05/2019 |
Hillview Dam Seepage Control And Slope Stability At The Hillview Reservoir, City Of Yonkers | $3,638,070.00 | 11/08/2018 |
Agency: Police | ||
Pier 76 Bulkhead Reconstruction -manhattan | $605,000.00 | 06/08/2016 |
Pier 76 Bulkhead Reconstruction -manhattan | $605,000.00 | 10/11/2016 |
Pier 76 Bulkhead Reconstruction -manhattan | $605,000.00 | 06/09/2016 |
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