Uk 2 Construction, Corp. is a firm located at 130-43 135Th Road, South Ozone Park. It was registered as a domestic business corporation in Queens county, under company number 3013726 on 02/17/04, 21 years ago.
The company is, according to the official data, managed by a manager - Surjit Singh from South Ozone Park.
The data below is presented in a way identical to how it exists in government databases. Several companies can exist nationwide under the same name. Please be advised to check whether the information provided pertains to the specific company you are looking for.
Uk 2 Construction, Corp is a MBE certified firm. The certification is valid until 03/31/24. Established on 02/17/04, they can be reached at 130-43 135Rd,11420 South Ozone Park. The company can be reached by phone at 718-844-9596 and using email at UK2CONSTRUCTIONCORP@GMAIL.COM.
Uk 2 Construction, Corp fulfilled multiple contracts, namely:
a contract for Client valued at $355 000,00 that amounted to “Masonry work”;
a contract for Client valued at $350 000,00 that amounted to “Masonry work and concrete work. Replace lintels.”;
a contract for Client valued at $200 000,00 that amounted to “Concrete work”.
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
Job experience
This company is licensed by the DCA as a home improvement contractor located at 13043, 135Th Rd, South Ozone Park, Ny (40° 40.063' N 73° 48.524' W). One can contact them by dialing (718)854-0049.
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